What Are Your Thoughts on Cocaine and Its Effect on the Rap Game?
Question by ….: What are your thoughts on cocaine and its effect on the rap game?
Best answer:
Answer by WeHigh420
i think its pointless.
if ur gna do drugz, stick to weed ;]
Answer by Ben F
could care less
most people in show business are drugees anyway
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A Mother Fought to End a Destructive Path and Reunite Her Family
Filed under: making crack cocaine
And Ms. Rodriguez, who was living then in a shelter in East New York with a boyfriend and two of her children, Richard, and a daughter, Elissa, was found to be unqualified, too, after testing positive for crack cocaine. “That was the end of that,” she … Read more on New York Times
What Will President Obama Do About Marijuana Laws?
Filed under: making crack cocaine
In 2010 President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act, which drastically reduced the unfair disparity between crack and powder cocaine and, more important, dropped the five-year mandatory sentence for crack possession. … Since the drug war was … Read more on Highbrow Magazine
'Pit Bulls and Parolees' shelter worker burglarized business while wearing …
Filed under: making crack cocaine
He was out on parole after pleading guilty in 2008 in New Orleans criminal court to charges of simple burglary and possession of crack cocaine. On Tuesday, members of the NOPD as well as the state Probation and Parole Office obtained a warrant to … Read more on NOLA.com