Why Do Drug Names Contain “hydrochloride”?

Question by Go Big: Why do drug names contain “hydrochloride”?
I tried a simple Google search, but didn’t find the results I was looking for.

Why do drug names contain the name “hydrochloride”? For example, paroxetine hydrochloride or hydrochloride salt of procaine.
I’m THINKING it has to do with the polarity of amines and salts and the solubility in water.
Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by Semtex
Many drugs are prepared as hydrochloride salts because they’re in an inappropriate form as a freebase, this could be because of their strength or texture this way or in the case of ketamine and some others it’s so strong an alkali that it’s almost caustic.

Cocaine Hydrochloride
Ketamine Hydrochloride
Methadone Hydrochloride
Brupenorphine Hydrochloride

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