Empathy Was the Poor Mans Cocaine ?
Question by emcee: Empathy was the poor mans cocaine ?
What do you think it means?
“Empathy was the poor mans cocaine”
” love is just chemical by any other name”
Wriiting by one of the best emcee’s
but know he’s resting in peace
I rhyme without trying
and again lol
What do you think it mean?
Best answer:
Answer by Dee?
Empathy was the poor mans cocaine”
” love is just chemical by any other name”
I love this~ did you write it? Excellent and
it means exactly what it says…that love
just like any chemical or drug, can do the
same thing to you like make you crazy or
bring on such intense feelings that are hard
to control just as a drug can make you high~
It causes a high that cost a lot less than cocaine
yet can still make the poor man act just as crazy.
Thats my conclusion~ hope it helps some~gl
Answer by susanna
When you have empathy you feel what the other person feels, you are inside them and walk in their shoes..The poor know that you understand..that you are not judging..Acceptance is what we all yearn for..The poor know that no explanation is needed..We are all as one..Pride is not vanity when it allows one to hold their head up high.
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