Why Is the Difference in Punishment Between Powder Cocaine and Crack Cocaine 1:100?
Question by S-Jones: Why is the difference in punishment between powder cocaine and crack cocaine 1:100?
That is what my professor said in criminology class. “…difference in punishment between the drugs is 1 to 100 (ratio)”
What does 1:100 mean specifically?
Best answer:
Answer by Reece Wilson
It’s 5:100 to cocaine, lol.
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'House' scrutinizes the war on drugs
Filed under: cocaine to crack ratio
While Jarecki's film makes undeniably valid points about the historical precedent of targeting of minor-ities by law enforcement and so-called “mandatory minimum” sentences and the 100-to-1 ratio of sentences for possession of and/or selling crack … Read more on Boston Herald
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The last time it happened, Ronald Reagan was walloping Walter Mondale in the presidential election, sickly Konstantin Chernenko was serving his short-lived stint as leader of the Soviet Union, the Apple Macintosh and crack cocaine made their debut, and … Read more on Mankato Free Press
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Filed under: cocaine to crack ratio
The USA even handed out penalties higher for crack possession then cocaine possession by calculating weight at a rate of 100 to 1. Meaning 1 gram of crack would … get for 100 grams of cocaine. This has been repealed but I believe the ratio is still … Read more on Vancouver Sun (blog)